Pinoy POWER!!!

As you may know, Manny Pacquiao just reaffirmed that he
may be the best pound for pound fighter for our generation.
He beat Mr. De La Hoya, no doubt about it. I should have
had better faith on our countryman's ability to give a good
fight last Saturday. The only bet I put down was for a
12 round draw (I was thinkin' that there may be a second
fight, due to the potential money another fight could make).
I think the 700 club lost out on this one too,
The thing that really disappointed me about the fight, was
the fact that it looked like De La Hoya did not seem to be
the aggressor at any time during the bout. It seemed like
he was on the defensive at all times. Well, you may say that
he never had an opponent like Pacquiao for quite sometime.
The HBO specials that was aired weekly before last Saturday,
kinda' hyped each fighter's training and mental attitude
before the fight. I mean with De La Hoya, sparing no expense
in getting the best trainers his money and influence could
buy, I would think he would have put up a better outing
than what happened that night.
Like I said before, maybe Pacquiao was just too quick and
powerful for him at this stage of De La Hoya's life. But
hey, this fight made him some nice change - I would have
stopped the fight in the 8th round too, before suffering
any more permanent damage. He probably made like over
$35,000,000.00 gross - you can't enjoy that money, if you
have to sip your dinner through a straw for the rest of
your life.
Before the fight, a bunch of the homies from San Jose and
the Bay Area flew in on Thursday and Friday. It was great
to see Debbie, Dave S., Ron, Christine, Darlene, Leetz, Dave B.,
Chau, John John, Fiel, the Fernandez Bros (like they're a
company or boy band, yeah more closer to a bading boy band,
just kidding guys), and whoever else I forgot, oh yeah
Juan Juan (but I don't think I remember talking to you at
the club, because I was pretty gone - don't get me near
any free alcohol, because I will take advantage of that,
like no one will, ya' feel me?
I mean, I pretty much paced myself. No suca for me later
that night. It was kinda' nice not havin' to spend one red
cent to go out that night, hehe...This prefight party was at
ROK in NYNY Hotel/Casino. It was good to see everybody there
gettin' in gear befor the fight.
The next day, a bunch of us hit up M and M Soul Food Cafe.
It seemed to be a hit with the group. Fried chicken skin,
seems to make everybody's soul a bit happier. Smothered
BBQ shortribs also bring joy and Christmas spirit to one's
self as well. With a healthy dose of cornbread pancakes
and all you can drink Koolaid "red", one can actually find
the meaning of life. Anyway, hit this place up when you are
next in town, you won't regret it.
Later that night, was the fight. Our whole group, with the
exception of the Sonico's, went to Mandalay Bay to catch the
closed circuit broadcast of the fight in their arena. The
arena didn't sell out, but I thought that it was a good thing,
as I didn't want to feel too cloistered in that place. Don't
get me wrong, the atmosphere was pretty good - the section we
all sat at seemed to be all Pacquiao fans.
I think after the first 3 rounds, you pretty much knew who was
gonna' win this thing. Like I said prior, I made a bet on a
draw (no winner) - but I didn't really care if I lost that
bet. I was rollin' with the Pac Man on this one. I just regret
not putting up any money on him at the beginning of the week
when he had almost 2 to 1 odds to win (no matter what round or
how he would win). Pacquiao dominated each round, until after
the 8th, where the fight was stopped by the De La Hoya camp,
conceding defeat to the Pac Man. It felt like a workout watchin'
this thing. I think I must have yelled and jumped, like I was
at ringside (as well as all the peeps around me). It was
totally radical and awesome...
The Santos, Dar and I decided to chill and get some eats at
Carnegie's at the Mirage. Had Challah French Toast with a side
of bacon (it ain't really a side, they give about a dozen pieces
of the stuff, I should have just asked for a bowl of rice and
ketchup and eat it like Saturday breakfast with mom back in
the day). Dave got a bacon cheeseburger, Debs a cornbeef
sandwich and Dar a pastrami sandwich. The sandwiches probably
had a couple pounds of meat each - hefty, that's how that place
rolls. At least you get a full meal for later on, as you can't
finish these plates, unless you been stuck on the "Lost" island
and just got back to civilization or if money is involved.
Anyway, most of everybody left to go back to the Bay Area on
Sunday afternoon. I made a pitstop with Fiel, Fred, Deb, Dar
and Dave at Hot/Spicy Crawfish in Chinatown. It's a cajun style
restaurant off of Spring Mountain Road. My buddy Andre
introduced me to it when I first moved here. It is another
hidden gem off the Strip. You can't beat a pound of boiled
craw fish or shrimp for seven bucks. I personally did not have
that at the time (I got the chicken wings - can't live with out
fried chicken, if it's available at the place). It seemed like
another hit with the peeps, so again, when y'all come down,
you gots to go. Buffets on the Strip will not appeal to you
That night a couple of the Fernandez Bros. were still in town
for another night, staying at the Hard Rock. They were going
to party at Body English for their last night in town. I decided
to chill for the night, as I don't think my body could take it.
I wanted to be in coma mode for the rest of the night. Hopefully,
I'll hit them up next time I'm back in the Bay or in the PI.
As for poker, busted out of the Caesar's 12 noon tourney today
and made ten bucks playing some $1/3 NLHE for an hour there.
I think I will lay off the tournys for a while and concentrate
on cash games for the time being. I am getting a little fed up
with the variance on the tourny style games. Making near the
money, doesn't make money. I'd be happier winning even just a
little during a cash session (but of course happier by winning
a lot), than bust out late in a tourny not making any cash at
Happy Holidays, see y'all soon...
1 comment:
It was a great weekend hanging out with you S2H...and of course seeing PacMan win the fight! I'll have to do M&M's the next time I'm out there...although, the way we partied, I don't think I want to go out there until atleast next year! Miss ya! - Deb
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