Sunday, April 26, 2009




With the property management issues, work, interviewing
for a new position at work, commuting, etc - where is the
time to play poker lately? Well, it's only been about
a week, since I last played. Now, I got to deal with
an issue about my Jeep, all stemming from a simple oil
change that took place on Friday - hopefully I can get
that issue resolved Monday (one of the techs must have
broke off my oil pressure sender while changing the
oil filter that day; printed up some forum threads to
verify the issue and of course, the broken part itself
is very obvious if you take a look just above the filter).

Anyway, it's just been one of those weeks...

Looking forward toward the end of the week, when my
booboo flies in and when some of the Yay Area homies
come in for the Pacquiao vs. Hatton fight. Vegas will
be a Pinoy and Limey haven. Lumpia and Sheperd's Pie,
on plates across Sin City.

Nice, I'm gettin' hungry...Can I get that with waffles?

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