30.75 hours to go...
Shoot, I thought I had built up a few more hours of live
cash play at Caesar's. I put in about 9.25 hours today,
which means I still have to play 30.75 more hours by Monday
10/27/08. I need a total of 40 hours by then, to qualify
for that freeroll for one of the $10,000.00 seats into their
main event starting the next day. I believe they will be
giving out 10 seats during the freeroll. It's not a bad
overlay, unless you lose throughout the 40 hours of live
cash play. If you do lose, stop playing - yeah right...
Played $1/3 No Limit Holdem today. I cashed in for $300.00,
intending to play my game. Win or lose, I want to make sure
I play good. Please no cracking of my Aces, if I get them,
hehe. It was a pretty good day for me, I left the table
with $550.00 total, for a $250.00 profit for the day.

I just wish I had certain hands, when certain players stacked
off their chips with some pretty marginal all in bets preflop.
The hand I am talking about, went like this. I was under
the gun with Ace/Queen OS, so I raised it to $7.00 bucks.
It's a raise to basically build the pot. If I hit a
Queen or Ace on the flop, with rags, I would probably have
the best hand and can take it down with a modest best
of half the pot or close to the pot amount. If I don't
hit my hand, I can get away from it easily, as I have not
invested too much in the pot. Two people called behind
me and then it got to the small blind player. He put in
a reraise of up to $25.00 bucks. The big blind player
folded and I was next. I thought to myself, he has to
have Ace/King, a pair of either Jacks, Queens, or Kings.
A pair of Aces could also be a possibility. I paused
for a moment and decided to fold. Ace/Queen OS or suited
for that matter, is not a good hand to call a reraise
with. I believe I had him outstacked in chips, as I had
about $500.00 or so on the table and he had about $240.00
behind him after his raise. He could even have me beat
by any pair. I've seen him put big raises in with
mid pairs. I just didn't feel right to call and see a flop.
There was also 2 other people behind me in the hand that
still were to bet after me. If I had at least Ace/King,
I would make the call to see the flop.
Anyway, after I folded, the player after me had reraised
the small blind player's bet of $25.00 to $60.00 total.
The next player folded and suddenly the small blind player
went all in for the rest of his money, $240.00. I stood
up, like I always do when someone else is all in. I thought
to myself that these guys were facing off with a pair of
Kings and Aces. The other player immediately called the
all in bet. I then said, "I wonder who has Aces and Kings?".
Both players did not flip up their cards, as they are not
required to do that on a live cash poker game. There
was about $550.00 in the pot preflop. The dealer then
dealt out for first 3 cards. It came 2 of Hearts, King of
Spades and 4 of Diamonds. I then said, "It looks like
pair of Kings are good". Still, both players did not flip
up their cards. The dealer dealt out the turn card, which
was a 5 of Diamonds. Nothing from the players. The
dealer finally dealt out a Nine of Spades. The first
player flipped up his hand and said he had Trip Kings,
but tabled a pair of Tens. The small blind player looked
at the board and quietly folded. I then asked him what he
raised preflop with, he didn't say anything. I thought to
myself, did he reraise all in with Ace/Jack or a low
pair like Eights or something? The player with the pair
of Tens scooped the pot. He then rejoiced like he won a
bracelet at the WSOP. These guys played their hands pretty
Dang, these guys were willing to stack off all their money
on some mediocre hands. It was like they were playing
tournament style poker.
I just wished I had a hand against these guys during
my session. Well, I can't complain. I made a decent
profit for the day and put in some hours toward the
freeroll. I hope I see them later this week, lol...
I still have 30.75 hours to go...
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