M & M SFC...So Goood...
Located off the strip at the intersection of Charleston and
Valley View is another tidbit sent from heaven, M & M Soul
Food Cafe.

I've been meaning to check it out since I've moved here, but
every time I've passed it by - I am missing my appetite. Hey,
fried chicken is good anytime, but yo' I wanna make sure my
palate and colon are free for the day.
I decided to stop by there after my trip to the Las Vegas
Municipal Court to pay for the speeding ticket I got at the
end of September. First ticket in years, and it had to happen
during the North Las Vegas Popo's Quest for stops at the end
of their fiscal quarter. Dang, I haven't had a ticket in
years. The last one I had was probably about a good 8 years
ago (the last one before that one was about 8 years before
that). I guess moving violations in about 20 years of driving
(God 20 years already...why God?) is not too bad. Anyway,
I was going to go to court to dispute the speed the cop
clocked me at, but I would still be guilty of speeding. I
believe if the judge reduced my speeding to 45 mph in a
35 mph zone, the difference in the ticket amount was only
about $30.00. My court date was for Thanksgiving Eve, after
130 pm. I didn't want to sit in court for the rest of my
afternoon, getting the same result in my plea of nolo
contendre (pleading no contest to the speeding ticket and
paying the fine). I wanted to check out the courts anyway,
thinking that it would be a quick trip, but of course I was
wrong. I found parking in the city parking structure outside,
got into the Traffic Ticket Payment area and was given a slip
with #B090. I looked up at the screen and it said now serving
Shieet!!! 62 more people before me. Shieet again!!! They also
have numbers starting with letters of R, C, and A. Actually
the wait wasn't too bad, I had to wait about 45 minutes and I
was finally called. I was done in about 4 minutes. Plead nolo
contendre to the court clerk and paid my ticket via debit card.
Now, I can get some food. I waited pretty much all day to eat.
I mean, I had some cereal at about 9 am, but it has been about
4 or so hours since that last meal. I usually eat something
every 3 hours, more or less.
Back to the grill again. Okay, I get to the soul food joint and
about half of the patrons look me up. "Haven't y'all seen a
Filipino before - we love fried chicken, sometimes more than
life itself - we are the soul food pioneers of the Far East!".
I thought this in my head - if I actually said it out loud, I
dunno' what would happen. Anyway, I got seated and perused
the menu. "Fried Items may take 20 minutes to complete", dang
it must be good. I'll just save it for next week. I decided to
get a half plate order of the meatloaf with gravy, side of
cornbread stuffing and potato salad. It also came with cornbread
cakes (like pancakes). Waited for about 6 or 8 minutes and the
cornucopia of comfort food got to my table.

I'll tell you - the food is really good. It takes a certain type
of palate to appreciate "comfort food". A good sign of that was
that I pretty much finished the whole order, left about half of
my potato salad on the plate, but that stuff is filler anyway.
The meatloaf had about the right amount of herbs and spices. The
gravy was not too salty, just about right. Cornbread any which
way is good, it wasn't dry - almost like cake, hehe...
The place itself was pretty clean and tidy - kind of surprising,
being in a "Friday After Next" type strip shopping mall.
It is a definite must go. Don't be afraid to take a trip off the
beaten path. I'm tired of buffets anyway...
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