Cool Runnings...
No, not the movie. The title of this blog could be the
fact the I solved my AC issue with Taylor. I took
advantage of the CARS rebate system and got a new car.
Wish it was some type of German feat of automotive
engineering, but I went with something that I needed as
opposed to wanted, if you know what I mean.
So after 5 hours of haggling and paperwork, I am the
proud owner of the 2008 Suzuki SX4 Sport Sedan.

Whoohoo!!!! Truly back in the Rat Race...hehe.
Well, to get that trade in rebate of $4,500.00, you
have to get a new car with an average fuel savings of
10 miles per gallon. Both cars were right at that
Believe you me, I found it hard to part with Taylor.
We've been through alot. I wanted to keep her, but
after a talking about what she needed done with a
couple of mechanics - the list sounded to be endless.
I wouldn't be able to sell Taylor for the rebate amount,
nor would I know what how much money it would take for
her to get back in tip top condition. Vegas sucks
on cars...
I'll find her again...
Ahh, I know what AC feels like again - with the fun
of a Japanese "Gabrielle" (my old school Jetta, I sold
last year). I haven't found a name for the new ride
yet, hmmmm...
As for poker - had a couple of good sessions the past
month - doubling up my buyins, albeit I only played twice
since my last blog. Cash games have have been good to
me. I should stick to cash these days - the poker gods
have not given me the green light to win a tournament
the last few times. After I do good in cash, there is
some small tourny waiting for signups and for me to
dump my money in the pot.
The usual, I get in some type of race ahead preflop,
only to see the river give me a loss and poker gods
jovial in my personal pain (kinda' alliterative)...
I have to make it a point these days to keep up on
my journal - the AC should help.
Anyway, I have been missing Sugar as usual - I can't
wait for her to get to Vegas. It will give us better
balance in our lives. I also have to get back home
to see Deb and Dave's newborn daughter Delaney and
the rest of the my peeps.